Monday, June 25, 2012

Black Light Tattooing

So the PSVI tattoos that I talked about are years away from becoming a legal and widely available form of body modification, and even when they are I am betting they won't be everyone's cup of tea. So how else might we get a really techie (okay Geeky) tattoo? How about black light tattoos?

One of the main considerations when getting tattooed is whether or not it is visible and if it is going to affect your job. I don't have a tattoo, but I would like one. However, I am pretty much limited to having it hidden some place on my back because of my job. So maybe a black light tattoo is the answer? A lot of people actually incorporate UV ink into regular tattoos, but some get designs using only this specialized ink which only becomes visible under a black light. When used on it's own, it only appears as a feint scar on the skin until you are under a black light. At that time it glows white or purple depending on the ink. That might be pretty cool, although it does require that you spend a lot of time in clubs or have your own black lights at home for it to be worthwhile!

UV tattoo in is not FDA approved, but then neither are any tattoo inks so it's sort of a moot point. People have reported some skin irritation and other complaints, but these cannot be linked directly to the ink itself. These could be a reaction to the tattoo process itself, other inks used, lotions used during healing and various other factors. As with all body modification, the best advice is just think carefully and do your research before leaping head first into it!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Animated Tattoos

Tattooing is perhaps one of the oldest and most widey accepted forms of body modification. The practice is considered totally safe these days thanks to modern technology. Tattooing is carried out using a sterile tatoo machine which has remained true to it's origina incarnations invented in the 1800's. The only changes have been in safety and sterilization. The actual process of tattooing has not really changed very much – until that is, the recent launch of animated tattoos!

That's right – you did not misread it – ANIMATED TATTOOS.
This new generation of body art is exactly what you imagine. A moving image implanted under the skin. The tattoos are officialy named Programmable Subcutaneous Visible Implant (PSVI) and is constructed of a modified lcd screen and magnetic power source. The technology which we see every day in digital watches TV screens has been modified to allow a single colour anmated image to be shown through the skin. While the implant is pretty permanent, it is possible to reprogram the image if the wearer requires a change of design. The tattoo needs to be recharged every twelve hours by way of a special charger with a regualr plug on one end and a magnetic connector on the other which links to the one under the skin. It is not necessary to actually plug something into the body.

The procedure is not actually legal as it has not been fully tested for medical safety. However, the inventors say they hae carried out the process over 60 times. They would not reveal the cost, but say it's in line with a high end flat screen television and that if you can find them – and you check out – they will happily perform the procedure.

So what do you think? Would you have an animated tattoo?

In similar news, I saw a video of a guy getting the supposed first animated tattoo last summer, but his was a QR code on his chest which when scanned revealed a cartoon on your cell phone. Sorry dude, but these PSVI implants make your animated art look weak!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Man 1 Tonsils 0

I got really sick this past week, and it got me to thinking how times have changed in terms of medical technology. I mean in ancient Greece, they used just a handful of medical treatments. Today, there are about 500 different types of antibiotic available! I was surprised to be treated with plain old penicillin.

It got me thinking about how penicillin is such an amazing discovery. Who would have thought that mold would be one of the medical industries greatest achievements! It was of course discovered by Scotsman Alexander Fleming in 1928. His discovery changed the face of modern medicine. However, he is by no means the first to have used mold in medical treatment. It is believed that bread infected with blue mold was used in the treatment of wounds in the Middle Ages. Leing is the first to use penicillin in it's antibiotic form to treat infection. He initially dismissed it's worth believing it would not live in the human body long enough to be effective and he abandoned research until 1934 when he began clinical trials. Mass production began in 1945.

Today, almost 70 years on, Penicillin remains one of the most popular antibiotics in the western world and it is used to treat all manner of infections. It certainly helped me feel better although I know if it was just in my head, but I swear the tablets tasted of mold!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

South Africa Moves Up In Astronomy Rankings

I had to travel to South Africa recently on a business trip and while I was there I found out about some really interesting science and technology programs they are working on there. It peaked my interest and I have been keeping up to date on the latest news on some of them, so I was really pleased to learn that the board of African Renaissance Fund has just approved R120 million (That's 14.6 Million USD) worth of funding to one of the projects which will build a network of radio telescopes across Africa's nine Square Kilometre Array (SKA) partner countries. This is part of the African Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) Network. The funding will mean that the project can get under way without any delay.

South Africa's Department of Science and Technology has been working with eight other countries -Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia and Zambia for the past 3 years on finding funds to set up the network which will be used to study a variety of things including continental drift. VLBI is a specialized astronomy technique which makes uses of radio telescopes which are widely spaced, but used in unison as a single telescope to create some of the clearest and high resolution pictures of even the most distant objects in our universe. Science and Technology minister Naledi Pandor was quoted as saying, “The growth of Africa as a global astronomy hub is a shared vision of African countries to use the increasingly available broadband infrastructure for research and economic benefits.”

I am glad to see projects like this getting the funding that they so desperately need. South Africa have been swiftly powering through the astronomy ranks of late and in fact Cape Town was recently chosen to host the International Astronomical Union Office of Astronomy for Development. I think it will be really interesting to see what research the network will be able to uncover.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Various Uses Of Thermal Imaging

When it comes to technology, it can be amazing how some tools can be used for a variety of different tasks. One such versatile tool is thermal imaging equipment. Let's take a look at some ways in which infrared is put to use every single day in a number of fields from law enforcement to home maintenance.

Law Enforcement

Thermal imaging technology is put to good use in the field of law enforcement on a regular basis. This allows more effective management of surveillance operations, more accurate investigation of crime scenes and the ability to locate suspects in difficult to navigate terrain. At night, it can be difficult to locate a fugative who is dressed in dark clothing – even with the use of a flashlight. However, with the help of thermal imaging technology it is possible to locate them by tracing the heat signature emitting from their body.

Night Vision

Thermal imaging cameras are commonly used for night vision by the military and by search and rescue personel. Night vision devices detect heat radiated by humans, animals and machinery and converts it to an image representing the size and shape of the object. Military uses include directing night operations while search and rescue can make sure that nonresponsive victims can be found in the dark.


Thermal imaging also has uses in maintenance. It can be used to detect if machinery or building structures are in need of repair. The excessive heat picked up could be an indication of a leak that needs addressed. It can also be used to identify structural defects or inadequate building materials. This can be useful in finding out if flooding has caused any structural damage.

What Can Audit Management Software Do For Me?

When it comes to managing your workforce, things have never been easier thanks to audit management software which is now increasingly used to help monitor performance. Audit management software has made it possible for upper management and indeed the authorities to audit companies with ease.

One of the best things about audit management software is that it is now possible to automate much of the auditing process. This includes surveying employees are clients on a regular basis. These surveys can form a key part of the audit system because they provide valuable information about employee performance and client expectations and satisfaction levels. Planning an audit is easy with the help of audit management software because it can be fully customized to fit the company. Once the audit has been set up the software can initiate the required tasks automatically making it less time consuming and much more efficient all around.

Perhaps the most common reason why companies are increasingly turning to audit management software is that it helps to ensure they are in compliance with standards and that they are maintaining the desired level of performance in all areas of the company. It is possible to use auditing packages to create a checklist of internal and regulatory standards which much be met. For example, a checklist for compliance with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) measures. If you achieve this compliance you will expand your client base because they will be attracted to the fact that you are accredited by such organizations.

Overall, audit management software has the capability to increase your work flow and improve the day to day operation of your business. It is something that many business owners seem to overlook, but once you start you will wonder how you ever managed to operate before without it.