Saturday, December 15, 2012

Just what is a QR code?

If you are bamboozled by those strange boxes of black and white pixels that seem to be cropping up on packaging and billboards across the country, then you are not alone, but what exactly are they?
Well it is called a QR code, and QR stands for Quick Response. It is a 2D barcode which is able to be  scanned by a smart phone camera or other QR reading device and it sends the user to a specific website. QR codes were invented in Japan and have been popular over there for a number of years before migrating to Europe and now they have started to appear all across the United States.
In the simplest terms it is a hypertext link in printed form, just encode a URL link into the QR code and then by pointing a smart phone camera at it that already has a QR code reader app installed, it will whisk you off to that URL using the internet browser on the phone.
However, it is not just limited to websites, a QR code can also contain information such as a SMS message or phone number or email address, and the device that scans it will automatically use whatever application it needs to handle the data correctly.
The clever thing about a QR code that sets it apart from the more standard one dimensional barcode is that it is a lot more versatile. Not only does a QR code hold hundreds of times more data than a traditional barcode, but it can be scanned in any direction. The QR code can be upside down or placed on a curved surface but thanks to its internal calibration orientation and self-alignment markers the information still gets through.
QR codes are going to be the big advertising and marketing took for many years to come and because they are inexpensive and versatile they are ideal for small businesses. QR codes are appearing with more regularity on billboards, and bus shelters and on flyers than ever before and it is a great way to get people to your website without the hassle of typing in the full web address on their phones web browser.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Why professional carpet cleaning is needed for a wet carpet

How does a professional carpet remediation company get a wet carpet dry? To begin with they will use the latest in carpet cleaning and drying technology available on the market today as well as the latest processes in order to restore carpeting back to its former glory.
The carpeting of home or office that has become saturated by copious amounts of unwanted water can be an upsetting experience for any home or business owners, and traditional carpet cleaning methods will be of no use at all. When your carpeting has fallen victim to water damage from pipe damage, a backed up drain or from a roof that has leaked then you will need to call on the services of a professional carpet remediation company. Otherwise you could be faced with having to replace the entire carpet which can be a costly experience. Plus if you do not act fast enough and effectively then you could become the victim to unwanted mold growth and that brings about a whole host of new and more serious problems. Mold likes to grow in damp conditions where there is a good food supply and a wet carpet is a perfect breeding ground for mold spores. Mold spores are all around us and they are just looking for the perfect place to settle and they proliferate quickly and before you know it you could have it spreading to other areas of your home.
The process of carpet remediation is fairly straightforward, the first stage is to remove all of the water, and this entails the use of powerful vacuums that have the ability to remove countless gallons of water away from the carpet quickly and effectively. Once the water has been removed then all it takes is for the carpet to be dried and then sprayed with an ant-bacterial solution to prevent future mold growth.

Monday, October 29, 2012

The problems associated with basement flooding

When you have arrived home to find out that the basement of your property has become the latest victim of a basement flood, it follows that one of the first actions that you have to take is unearth the exact cause and location of the leak. Potentially there can be a load of various causes of a water leak in your property and this will necessitate the finding of the problem before you can consider calling in a flood cleanup company. In any case there is little use in clearing the flood water only to discover that it returns when it rains once more.
Flooring can be a surprising source of flood water in a swamped cellar as serious rainfall can bring about a rise in the underground water levels and water can seep up all the way through the floor, particularly the place where the floor and the walls meet.
Windowpanes are a huge hindrance when it comes to water leeks and evidently a window which has been left open throughout a rainstorm is going to allow significant quantity of water. However, broken or disintegrating window frames can be an additional hindrance when it comes to water seepage.
More noticeable starting places of superfluous water will come from household items for instance a leaky or faulty dishwasher or washing machine, in addition to water heaters if old or damaged which can lose a lot of water.
Pipes that are split open are an additional difficulty as they can come about at any time and with little or no warning, along with the fact that if it is a sewage conduit pipe this will cause you a number of additional problems. It is situations like these that will require you to call in the services of a licensed basement flood company to handle that specific difficulty because sewage includes lots of harmful bacteria that may cause severe health complications.

Monday, October 15, 2012

The technology used in carpet drying

When you have been the victim of a problem of excess water in your carpet then you need to hire a carpet drying company. Carpet drying experts make use of advanced carpet drying technology to salvage wet carpeting that has been waterlogged.
When you call your local carpet drying specialists they will send a team of expert technicians who are equipped with the latest apparatus to help them to rectify the problem of your wet carpeting or rugs. Only the latest technology and highly trained teams of experts can remove the water and get the carpet fibers dry quickly and this helps to eliminate odors and mollify microbes that can lead to harmful black mold.
 The drying of carpeting needs to be finished inside a day or two to fully prevent the growth of black mold. That is why professional carpet drying experts will always use the latest in carpet drying technology, using such items as powerful vacuums that can remove vast amounts of water. They can also separate the carpet fibers from the padding underneath as this will help to dry the carpet out quickly.
The drying process is assisted by the use of powerful air moving machines that help to circulate the air and assist the drying process. This is followed up with the use of dehumidifiers and specialist steam cleaning equipment that will go a long way to providing you with a carpet that looks as good as new.
To complete the restoration process most companies who specialize in carpet drying will make use of a special anti-microbial solution which is sprayed onto the carpet or rug. This solution is sprayed onto the rug or carpet as a means of preventing the threat of future mold growth as mold is an unsightly fungus that is hazardous to not only the health of your pets but also you and anyone who visits your property.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Mold detection technology

Mold is quickly becoming a major headache and it has started to affect more and more people than that other major problem asbestos. If you are worried that you may have a problem with mold growth then it is a good idea to contact your local mold remediation company who will be able to use the latest high-tech methods to detect mold in your home.
A large amount of mold growth is hidden behind drywall, floors and ceilings, you may first notice a foul odor but there will still not be anything visible. I had a similar problem, I could smell this horrible odor but there was nothing noticeable so I called in a local mold remediation team and they used specialist equipment to locate the problem.

So what kind of technology does one of these mold remediation companies employ in order to detect a mold problem in your home or business premises.
There is one piece of equipment that has been a revelation in the field of mold detection and that is the emergence of infrared technology. This can help the specialist teams employed by the mold remediation companies to detect mold through walls and floors etc. This helps them to pinpoint the exact location of the mold infestation and just how serious the problem actually is, this will help them to know exactly how to tackle the problem.
Another part of the detection procedure is the sampling of air quality as this helps to determine the amount of spores are in the surrounding atmosphere and is another indication of how severe the problem is. This is achieved by the use of a special piece of equipment that traps the mold spores using a HEPA filter, this is then taken to a laboratory and the spores are counted to determine the severity of the outbreak.
Once the severity of the outbreak has been revealed your mold remediation company can then get to work ridding your property of the troublesome mold.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Water removal technology

When your home or business has suffered from a flooding disaster then you are going to have to take immediate action, if the task is too much for you to handle by yourself then you will need to employ the services of a professional clean-up company. I had always wondered just what kind of technology these companies actually used, but then one day I had the misfortune to come home to discover that my home had been flooded and I had to call someone in to deal with it.
Flood cleanup involves a whole host of high-tech appliances in order to restore your home or business to its former glory.
Dehumidifiers are one of the most important and well used pieces of apparatus used by professional flood cleanup companies today. Dehumidifiers work by removing the excess moisture from the air and are usually used when the flood waters have been pumped out.
Air movers are typically used in conjunction with dehumidifiers to remove excess air from the atmosphere and are used with large air blowers and dryers. These air movers promote air circulation which helps to evaporate the liquids contained within carpeting, upholstery and dry wall and they may also use injectors that can get in behind walls and ceilings to help aid the drying process.
There is one crucial piece of equipment that is hidden out of sight and most people are not aware of its existence and these are H.E.P.A filters. These filters help to filter out bacteria and other airborne contaminants that have entered the atmosphere during the water contamination and restore the air to the quality that it was before the flooding event took place.
These are just some of the pieces of equipment that are used today by flood cleanup companies across the country to help remove water from your home.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Technology Used In Flooding Situations

Technology has been included in all the fields that are known today. Anything you need to know or do can be done through the support of technology. The most surprising of all is technology used in flooding situations. Millions and millions of lives used to be lost unawares due to the surprise flooding but thanks to the technology because you can get warnings in advance to prepare for the floods. Basically satellites are used by fore castors to watch over the water level and give their trends. Laser technology comes in handy in light detection and ranging map.
Many affected countries are in the process of investing in storm technology. Most of the countries have had the backlash of the flash floods so they have put in a lot in terms of resources and manpower to avert lives and property being lost. Technology used in flooding situations helps the meteorologists to have a greater understanding of the storm cell and its behavior. From looking at the storm cell flash flood can be detected. Asia is heavily affected by floods and they have also invested heavily in technology used in flooding situations. Before they came to a conclusion the y had lost 700,000 people and billions affected as a result of the floods. Technology has played a major role to such countries and few lives are being lost due to floods.

Many companies have come up to provide the technological services required in order to avert the flood disasters. Modalities to come up with statistics whenever there is such a disaster have been improved because there has always been a problem getting the statistics right after a disaster. Use of light detection and ranging is technology used in flooding situations. It measures the height of flood affected areas. With that you can get a high resolution topographic system that is on point and few probabilities of error. The less developed countries have always had a problem when it comes to averting such disasters because of lack of the technical know how and lack of the required facilities to do so. Details of all the factors related with floods should be right to enhance technology used in flooding situations. It is in order to draft the areas model to get the accurate information of the place. It is also very important to use the echo sounder to gauge the depth of the canals and major rivers so as to get the statistics and reaction time right incase of a flood disaster.