Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Role of Infrared in Water Damage Restoration

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(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When it comes to dealing with issues such as water damage, professional restoration companies have the very latest in technology at their disposal. This includes infrared to scan walls for a range of potential problems not always visible to the naked eye. Infrared technology can be used on almost any type of masonry including brick, cinder block and stone. It is possible to look for issues such as improper fill in blocks, gaps between bricks and structural defects. Infrared is still a fairly new development in this industry and is continuing to develop new applications every day.

Moisture can often infiltrate your walls and find its way into the insulation and flooring. These areas are not ventilated and will not dry out naturally. This will eventually result n mold and rot which leads to severe structural damage. However, thanks to an infrared camera operated by a trained thermographer these problems can be picked up early on and handled before they get too serious.

Of course, infrared is not only being used in water damage restoration, it is also a large part of search and rescue operations as the thermal imaging technology can pinpoint the location of survivors who are trapped in inaccessible areas. It is also heavily used by law enforcement agencies for surveillance procedures, suspect pursuit and even monitoring hostage situations.

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