Monday, July 16, 2012

Why Cell Phones Are Banned On Flights?

I was on a short business trip last week and something occurred to me... we can now do so much while in the air, like use wifi to surf the web, watch movies or even play video games – so how come we still can't use a cell phone while on a flight?

The thing is, while in theory a cell phone might interfere with avionics, in reality it's pretty unlikely that making a call would send your aircraft on a downward spiral ending in collision! Aircraft cockpits and communications systems are heavily protected against electromagnetic and other interference since the 1960s. So what is the deal with no cell phones on flights?

Apparently a lot of it does have to do with the call carriers, if cell phones search out signals at 35 thousand feet they will hit hundreds of towers simultaneously which can result in a need for complicated roaming agreements and most providers just don't want the hassle of ensuring they are properly compensated and so the ban has remained in place despite the fact that it poses no risk. Of course much of the carriers reluctance comes from the fact that there is not a huge demand for the service. Airline industry analyst, Henry Harteveldt recently said, “Americans don't want to be stuck next to some Chatty Cathy bragging about last night's conquest.” Recent surveys indicate that only 16 percent of frequent fliers have any interest in using a cell phone inflight while the rest are heavily opposed to it.

I think I agree, I actually like that during the time I am on a flight I am unreachable, I have the rare chance to just relax and read a book or listen to music. It's bad enough when you have drunken idiots or fussy children without adding 80 cellphones into the mix as well!

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