Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Smartphones For Auditing Procedures

Image representing iPad as depicted in CrunchBase
Image via CrunchBase

It seems like smartphones and other such smart devices are everywhere. Use of these devices is ever increasing for every day tasks such as grocery shopping, bill payments and many other tasks. One of the important things for me, is the way smart devices have made certain factors of my job so much easier! Take health and safety auditing for example – huge drag. However, with the help of some clever apps I can now make short work of the task. That isn't to say it is perfect – there are plenty of weaknesses as well as strengths.

The biggest advantage of these devices is that the speed in which a client can receive their audit report is fantastic. Reports and other data can be sent pretty much instantaneously. I can complete my audit, generate a report and send it off there and then to the people who need to see it. I am even able to integrate video and audio files to support the report. The best apps and audit software packages allow users to customize the audit to suit their own needs which offers a great deal of flexibility.

In terms of weaknesses, there is a tendency for these apps to require an internet connection as they are not actually installed on your device. That means that if you have no internet access you have no audit. I know these days we are pretty much plugged in at all times, but there are always occasions where you are not hooked up to the world wide web! I guess that means reverting to paper and pen, but at east video and photographs can be saved on your device to insert later.

Of course, you also need to make sure you take care of the device and not drop it anywhere as you perform the audit procedures! I invested in a case with a wrist strap for my ipad to make sure nothing untoward happens to it! The good thing is that if you auto save your work, then your audit is saved on the server in the event that you do damage your device.

In my opinion, there are more advantages than disadvantages to using a smart device for health and safety – and indeed other types of – audits. I think they allow me to offer better service to clients and offer a degree of flexibility. Technology develops at a constant rate and in a few years I doubt anyone will be performing audits manually!

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